Sunday, February 1, 2009

Hail Mary/My love

OMFG, I'm in love, the sex is the best, he's so funny, and yea... the sex is AMAZING. Just kidding lol, I was just thinking about how cheesy I would feel, if I ever said shit like that. Ah damn, I think I'm being bitter ungly Patrick. Ah, and while where in such an ugly place... James you suck because you gave up on me!! Munoz, you suck because... yea, I'm not really sure what happened there except for the fact that I don't really know, or get you any longer, and Emily, you suck because you broke our high school promise to always remain friends :-) 
Ok, now less of the extremes and more of reality. I've been overanalyzing everything, and blaming everyone for my anxiety problems... no more, needs to stop. The last thing I need is a big ole bill from a therapist. But now to my real ove... "TheBirdAndTheBee" Man, they make some badass music. I've been waiting for someone as fulfilling for a while, but I feel I've finally herd someone I could hear for the rest of my life... Argh, I'd change my playlist, but it's lots of trouble, logging in, changing options, no good.
Ok, finally my regret for the day. I kinda picked a fight with a 16 year old hostess... LAME Patrick LAME!!!! I'm 24 years older than birth and I need to apologize to a very special hostess named Mary!! LOL, her name is so symbolic in at least 3 ways that I can think of right now... fuck it's my blog... First of all, lol, fuck no no no no... it's my blog, but she's 16, and possibly the spawn of the devil, but that might be a little more objective. Yuck, I'm being so ugly again.
Fuck, the Birds and the Bees were the best therapy every just now. If u're lucky enough to come across this tip, check out "The bird and the bee" - "Witch."
Oh man, I forgot... fuck, I forgot what I forgot, lemme think for a sec. Oh yea, I kinda got ballsy with Alex tonight... what was said doesn't really matter, pretty boring. But point being, I understand that servers who are parents or have a spouse have "special needs," (shot buss) and need first priorities... fuck fuckballs though. I have parents who love me and want to see me on holidays, and I only get to see them like once a year!!! Oh yea, and whenever a holiday comes along it's such a sweet reminder to know that I'm working, because I'm gay, single, and I don't have any children. Mmmmh, the sweet taste of single gay reality lol. And people wonder why I hate straight bars and spoiled kids :-) ah, i'm spreading the hate, I know, but I promised myself I'd be honest. Sorry, fuck... doesn't go along with my promise. I know it sucks but I have to do this. FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING PIECE A SHIT FUCKLIT FUCKER!!!Ah, much better. This is much better than church ;-) 

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