Oh bummer... last week started off so well. Thursday we had the ultimate beach day at Cody's, then Mark surprised me with a little visit from Orlando on Friday, and then saturday things started getting a little sour. After work I got run into by one of the regulars... after convincing me not to call the cops, and him trying to tell me that we were both at fault, I just left in frustration. I can't believe I let all these fuckers talk me into him just paying for the repairs... great. Sunday I just tried to focus on my day off, and some good relaxing time with Mark... again, all is fucking amazing, until Josh gets home and finds it necessary to tell me that people at work at concerned with me, and that people think I do drugs.... oh bliss. I guess it's another one of those lessons.... I've been saying that I'm gonna try hard to look past opinions people have of me, and focus on what I believe is good. So I guess it's exam time lol. As long as the managers and my buddies don't believe that, oh well.
Ok, so Josh was trying to make me feel better about it, telling me that these people were truly concerned about me. I've really been trying to watch my temper at work. I do really well at my tables, run food, and keep up on my side-work. I'm never late, and rarely call in.... These people just need to accept the fact that I'm a dick to them because they're not pulling their weight, and I'm tired of doing the work for people who don't care about the job we're doing. Ever since this, I've been trying to just come to work, stay to myself, and make so
me money. I guess trying to encourage professionalism can easily be misconstrued as me having a drug problem lol. Ah, this sucks sucks sucks... I never wanted to be that person at work, and I guess now I am. If someone genuinely cared about my well being, why jump straight to drug-use?? What ever happened to asking someone genuinely if everything is ok???!
Alright, I need to get this show on the road, and get ready for work... this should be interesting... ah, I need to make sure not to take anything of this out on Josh... I appreciate him trying to look out for me, but I have a feeling, knowing his cravings for sensationalism, that he probably part-took in some of these weirdo talk.
Oh and weed is not a drug!!!!