Ah, man am I ready to start my day, get some shopping done at good ole Aldi's and then get back to work after a lazy 3 day streak of days off... Lazy lazy Patrick!!! Monday I had off for Alex, then tuesday was a little more exciting than that :-) So, after dropping Alex off at the airport, Josh and I spent the day running errands... well, Josh did, I was more along for the ride, the only thing I did, was getting my fish tank water tested. The lady was totally crazy. She put me on some crazy water testing schedule for the next 2 MONTHS, where I'm supposed to bring in water samples every tuesday... good thing I'm a friendly fag!!! She let me start out with 2 little tiny blue fish, which I named Max and Moritz... not really what I wanted, but it's all the crazy Pet-store lady would lemme get. So here are the little trouble makers (although I can't really think of any trouble you could start in that tank):
Alright. I better get my day started... oh wait, before Aldi's I should check my finanical situation.... just did, and we have a problem!!! Aaaargh, grrrr, stupid hospital bill is fucking up my financials this month, not a good start.
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