I just finished watching 'whip it,' and almost made my way to wal-mart to by some roller skates. then i remembered the wal-mart skateboard that only made it out a couple of times, and has since been converted to the official garage box mover, and decid
ed to stay in a pour myself another absolute and diet coke (nothing wrong with vodka and diet, it's called a skinny bitch :-)). Lol, that was a serious run-on sentence.
anyways, i also realized that all the best conversations and discussions i've been having lately have been with myself, in my own head... that can't be good. whenever people tell me something like that I always think that it's because they just don't care to listen to other thoughts and are too self-absorbed, but I truly haven't been around any stimulation conversation... oh and stimulating conversation does no longer involve politics, or religion!!! those are two subjects I will lose my hard-on over every single time now. EVERYONE always wants to talk about those two, and while I appreciate their interest in what's going on in the world, fuck you!!! I've had those conversations a milli
on times, so by now I've pretty much decided how I feel. Plus, I really feel weird being server and explaining to people why free healthcare is important... makes me feel like a stereotype lol. It's kinda like being a god-less German... another stereotype I've been a part of many times. Argh, I can't wait for Mark to come home and see how drunk I got while he was at work. Before making judgment, anyone else who could see this place, in which I spend all day between a laptop and a television, would reach for the vodka too. I just feel bad since Mark is on his diet trip, and I drank up a storm today... uuuh in a really shameful way this just reminded me of that chocolate filled pastry sugary thing I picked up from panera today... good time to stop!