i really love mark. he's such a great support, and it's great to be with someone who is so similar to me regarding goals, what is most important to us in life, and how we handle things expect he's way smarter and much calmer. i hope i can get it together, if not for myself, at least to keep this mark dude around ;-)
meeting his family was a little intense... his father picked us up from the airport and launched into a 20 minute lecture, what florida republicans Mark should vote for. mmmh, uncomfortable haha. his mother was a little nicer, and even managed to give me a hug at the end of the trip. after the first night we spent a night with Mark's sister Katy and her boyfriend... they were both super nice, and really great to be around. we drank tons of beer and played shit loads of games. I'm not sure if they liked me as much as I liked them, but it was still great. Plus I need to just worry about Mark. If he's bringing me along, and he trusts that myself is good enough, I should just trust his judgment and not worry so much about impressing his family and friends.
Ok ok, now I really need to get rolling... later!